20 Precautions in Venipuncture Procedure
1. Use only dry and sterile materials.
2. Follow the direction of the vein.
3. The bevel of the needle should be facing upwards.
4. Push and pull the plunger to ensure that the syringe and needle are not clogged.
5. Anchor the needle securely to the syringe.
6. Puncture the vein in a smooth and deliberate manner.
7. Select a vein that is not too big nor too small.
8. Do not leave the tourniquet for more than 2 minutes.
9. Sterilize in a circular manner.
10. Remove the tourniquet first before the needle.
11. Apply pressure to the wound to prevent bleeding.
12. Transfer the blood specimen immediately to specified containers.
13. Label your specimen container right after collection.
14. Discard materials is proper containers.
15. Check the patient's wound after 3-10 minutes.
16. Handle the blood gently to avoid hemolysis which can interfere with your tests.
17. Use proper needle gauge.
18. Do not press the cotton balls while the needle is still in the vein.
19. If you are collecting plasma, be sure to mix immediately the blood with the anticoagulant.
20. Separate the serum or plasma immediately and properly observing the time and rpm of specimen collection.