Lipids are unique from other substances in the blood because they are non polar and insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvents.
Lipids (fats) in food are more difficult to digest than proteins and carbohydrates. Lipids are present in the body through various forms, such as triglyceride (storage form of lipid), phospholipid (important parts of biomembranes), cholesterol (important component of steroid hormones),fatty acids (the simplest forms of lipids).
Lipids have crucial functions in the body that include the following:
1. Acts as a body insulator. So, it's true Virginia, that when you're fat, you have more "heat insulators" in your body, hence, will feel less susceptible to the cold weather,
2. Acts as biomembranes (protector) of vital organs, such as the brain and the lungs.
3. Acts as an enzyme in the form of prostaglandin.
4. Acts as the basic component of steroid hormones.
5. Acts as carrier proteins for non-polar substances.
6. Acts as a source of energy when there's a dysfunction of carbohydrate being converted to energy.
Below is a slide presentation submitted by a previous student that you can read to let you understand more about lipids.