How the body rids itself of fat
The body has a mechanism called homeostasis that keeps all the blood levels of substances, including fat, within normal levels in the bloodstream. This means that we need a certain amount of fat too.
This homeostatic function is done automatically if all of the organs in the body are functioning normally, and when the fat intake is not in excess.
Understanding foodborne illness
Food borne illnesses go sometimes unnoticed because of the lack of understanding of its etiology or origin.
Understanding its root cause therefore is of utmost importance to people especially those in the food industry.
There are several sources of foodborne illnesses. Below are the most common among them:
How to choose a multi-vitamin
Choosing the appropriate multi-vitamin for a person is important so that its maximum benefits could be obtained. TDM (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring) usually does this when time permits and the person is willing to undergo the procedure.
In therapeutic drug monitoring, drugs are administered to a certain person and observed for its therapeutic effect. The drug dosage is adjusted until such time that the dosage is therapeutic and neither sub-therapeutic nor toxic to the person.
Healthy aspects of high fat food
Not all fatty foods are bad! This is because there are two types of fat: the High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) which is the good fat and the Low Density Lipoprotein, (LDL) which is the bad fat.
The good fats have several very important physiologic functions in the body: they act as constituents of bio-membranes (like phospholipids in the lungs, without it the lungs would not be able to contract and expand); they act as heat insulators and maintain warmth in the body; good cholesterol (a type of good fat) acts as the basic component of steroid hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone). If this substance is absent what would happen to the full development of our secondary female and male sexual characteristics?
Essential vitamins for pregnant women
The amount of essential vitamins needed by pregnant women is understandably increased than that of a woman who does not nurture a fetus in her womb.
Through the National Research Council of the FNBNAS (Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences), had issued an RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) that could be used to determine the amount needed for proper nutrition.
wow. so informative
Hi Jelz,
Read and learn.
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